Tribe of Testimonies
Tribe of Testimonies
Tamera Wheeler - Anishinaabe from Sagkeeng First Nation & Navajo
I remember when I was a student at BYU, I saw this sweet little girl dancing at the Harold A. Cedartree powwow. She was there pretty much every year that I was. Her name is Tamera Wheeler. So, I've seen her around for a long time. She told me that she remembers me coming to her house with my friend, Sommer, to get help making regalia. Tamera has grown up now. She's lovely. And she has experienced, firsthand, the blessings of our Savior in her life. There was a time when she stopped practicing the precepts of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When she decided to come back, she saw how it really did bless her life. Now she weaves all parts of her life together in hopes of pleasing our Father in Heaven and our Savior. She sees how They love her unconditionally and want her to be with Them. Her testimony is pretty powerful.