Tribe of Testimonies
The Book of Mormon, a scripture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes two peoples: Lamanites and Nephites. After a last great battle, the Nephites were destroyed from the face of the earth. The remnants of the Lamanites are among the ancestors of today’s North American Native Americans. Andrea Hales (Navajo), the host of Tribe of Testimonies, interviews faithful Native American Latter-day Saints of tribes across the U.S. and Canada to learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has influenced their lives. Everyone’s story is different—conversions, families, missions, educations, careers, talents, achievements, failures, trials. As we share our stories, maybe we can strengthen each other. May we all walk in beauty. // This podcast is not sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, we love the Church. For further information on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please visit ComeUntoChrist.org.
Tribe of Testimonies
Doug Macdonald - Lakota & Assiniboine
A while back, my great aunt sent me the names of two people she thought would be amazing guests. Well, finally, someone else convinced Brother Macdonald that he needed to share his testimony more often and more boldly. Doug said things during this conversation that had me really thinking--like about the last days before Christ returns to the land. Like about the purposes of the Indian Placement Program. Like how we can receive gifts of the Spirit that will change our lives and make us different people. I loved his soft-spoken demeanor and thoughtfulness. I loved that he considers meeting his wife a tender mercy of the Lord. I really felt connected with Brother Macdonald as he described things I have experienced in my own life.