Tribe of Testimonies

Gordon Limb - Ho-Chunk (Winnebago)

August 20, 2024 Andrea Hales Episode 183

It is definitely interesting how some people come to the careers that they do. I read a book by one of my MPA professors who described that process--it isn't a straight line. Gordon Limb's career has not followed a "straight line." But he has been led to do what he does now. During our conversation, he talks about how he's so grateful for the matriarchs in his line who have gone through so many hard things to bring him into this world and put him where he is now. I can feel that same emotion. He talks about how he has seen probably generational trauma manifest itself in his line and how he is working to combat the ill effects of that. It's pretty interesting. But, most importantly, he's trying to help people recognize their divine heritage of which we all share.